Where To Find Every Collectible In The Second Level Of Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil

2022-07-22 23:22:52 By : Mr. Kevin Xiong

Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series' Lunatea's Veil's second set of stages is as varied as the collectibles are tricky. Follow this guide to find 'em all!

Starting the second vision in Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil, you will be confronted with two stages that play completely differently from what came before them. This pair of stages couldn’t be more different. One is an adrenaline-pumping water board riding section, the other is a puzzle-filled stage loaded with optional areas and head-scratching puzzle-platforming sections.

Related:Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil - Every Vision 1 Collectible

The boarding section is a fun and exhilarating stage, but it can be a little painful for the people attempting to collect everything. The amusement park level, on the other hand, doesn’t throw anything too devious at you. Thankfully, this guide is here to show you the way. With a little patience, you can have it all!

In the Joilant Fun Park, the puzzle-platforming is front and center. You will need to use the enemies that are provided in any given room to trigger switches and open doors. It is a nice change of pace and encourages you to rub those two brain cells together for a second here and there. It also features a number of Momett Doll Bells that have been hidden away. While none of them are that difficult to obtain, some of them are found in sections that you are unable to backtrack to. Thankfully, the Dream Stones are more manageable in this stage.

The first Momett Doll Bell (1/6) is in the top right Ngapoko Egg in the background at the beginning of the stage. Immediately afterward, you will grab the propeller enemy that will help give you a great deal of height, and up above you will find the next Momett Doll Bell (2/6).

Continue along, and you will reach a boat ride that is shifting from side to side. You are going to want to take a right here (just grab an enemy to destroy the box in front of the entrance to the tent). Now, once you enter the circus tent, make your way around the arena, and you will grab another Momett Doll Bell (3/6). The fourth Momett Doll Bell (4/6) is on the main path and is, essentially, unmissable. You will ride a UFO up to the top of a tower and it will be sitting right there.

The next bell is also on the main path. Once you jump onto a conveyor belt of giant jugs, this Momett Doll Bell (5/6) will be hovering above you. Just make sure you grab it because there is no going back (without dying, at least). You will find the final Momett Doll Bell (6/6) sitting in the middle of a gap. Just throw the propeller enemy at it, and you will have claimed all the bells in this stage.

The stage starts with a staggering six Ngapoko Eggs in the background. Now, be careful, as one of these eggs is a Mirror Spirit. This means that if Dream Stones pop out of an egg, you will want to let them sit on the ground. The top left egg is a Mirror Spirit, the top middle egg is a Dream Stone, and the top right egg holds a Momett Doll Bell. On the bottom row, the bottom left egg is a heart refill, the bottom middle egg is a Dream Stone, and the bottom right egg is a coin.

After defeating the mini-boss in this stage, the next room will have a Ngapoko egg floating in the background. Toss an enemy at it and claim your coin.

The Dream Stones in this stage are pretty reasonable. Just remember to kill the giant moos the first time you see them. Also, you will have some sections where you are falling into lines of Dream Stones, you can aim your fall by using your shadow as a guide. One challenge is the gaps you have to cross while using the helicopter-like enemy. Do your best to get them all, as you can’t retry without deliberately dying to restart at the previous checkpoint.

Beyond that, there are two Mirror Spirit sections. At the beginning of the stage, when you are faced with the six Ngapoko Eggs, break the top middle and bottom middle eggs and let the Dream Stones they drop sit on the ground. Then, break the top left egg and grab the stones. Easy as pie.

The next Mirror Spirit section comes at the end of the stage and is super straightforward. Just make sure you grab the Mirror Spirit as the roller coaster is passing you so it won’t get in your way as you are collecting all the Dream Stones.

Related: Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series: Beginner Tips

And here it is, the bane to any Dream Stone collector’s existence. This stage is rough if you are looking to get all those Dream Stones. The majority of it is unrepeatable (without dying), so that means you willl have only one chance per run. However, that isn’t just the case for the Dream Stones, some of the Momett Doll Bells are very missable as well. Strap in, this is going to be a bumpy ride!

The first Momett Doll Bell (1/6) is directly after you hit the ramp at the beginning of the stage. After the section where you need to weave in between the groups of wolffish, you will hit a tornado launch pad that will lead to a Momett Doll Bell (2/6). You will need to use Klonoa’s ability to float to make it all the way to the bell.

Once you hit the rapids section, you will be able to launch off of ramps to get goodies. The second ramp will lead to a Momett Doll Bell (3/6). Eventually, you will encounter groups of moos fleeing you. Chase them down, as you will need them to jump up and get certain items. One of those items will be a Momett Doll Bell (4/6).

Another section will have walls of cacti rising from the ground that you will need to dodge. After this section, you will have moos on boards hurtling toward you. Grab one of these moos, as you are going to need them to hop up and get the next Momett Doll Bell (5/6). In the last section of the stage, where you are chasing the cat, there is a Momett Doll Bell (6/6) sitting on top of a wooden archway. Just grab a nearby moo and hop up and grab it.

Don't even bother looking. There are no Ngapoko Eggs in this stage. Zero. Zip. Nodda.

Well, if you are after the Dream Stones, this stage is a waking nightmare. Make sure to chase down the first moo so that you can hop up and get the Dream Stones at the beginning of the stage. In fact, any time you see moos on boards, chase them down and grab one of them, as you will need them for an upcoming jump every time. There is a lot of these in the middle section of the stage.

Beyond that, try to cut your speed as much as possible so that you will have more time to react. Unfortunately, nearly every part of this stage is unrepeatable. The sole exception to that is the final segment where you are chasing the cat. As long as you don’t catch that cat, you will be able to repeat that segment and grab those Dream Stones.

There is a Mirror Spirit section in this stage, but it is extremely straightforward. As long as you don’t fall off the path, you should be able to get all the Dream Stones. The honest truth is that you are probably going to have to repeat this stage a dozen times to get all the Dream Stones. So, you may want to come back to this stage later.

Next: Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil - Every Vision 3 Collectible

James is a writer for TheGamer. He typically spends his time playing games, thinking about games, overanalyzing games, and sleeping. While he has an appreciation for all genres, he is especially interested in fighting games and RPGs. He also enjoys reading books and watching movies and will happily overanalyze those as well.