ECUA Shuts Down Recycling Center, Awaiting Repair Parts :

2022-06-18 19:00:37 By : Ms. Aries Tao

The ECUA Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) is closed following the failure of an essential piece of equipment.

This equipment, the second of two aging conveyor belts, was slated for replacement in this fiscal year. The ECUA Board approved the $82,000 purchase of two new replacement belts at its February 2022 meeting.

But the existing equipment did not outlast the supply chain delays that are affecting so many businesses across the country. The conveyor belts are critical parts of the infeed system to the MRF and the facility cannot operate without them.

“We are continuing normal recycling collection, which is a free opt-in service with residential sanitation accounts, and urge our customers to keep in a positive recycling habit,” said Nathalie Bowers, ECUA public information officer.

“ECUA maintenance crews will take advantage of this downtime to make repairs and perform maintenance work on equipment that generally requires a facility shutdown, as well as prepare for the installation of the new belts, to ensure the restoration of MRF operations as quickly as possible. The most current delivery date information we have for the belts is early August so at this time, we anticipate resuming operations in mid-August,” Bowers said. file photos, click to enlarge.

2 Responses to “ECUA Shuts Down Recycling Center, Awaiting Repair Parts”

so true, already have 2.50 monthly fee on bill that is ear marked for the mrf. where does all that money go approximately 175000 customers at 2.50 a month, where does all this go

One more reason for our overall bill to go up

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Written by William Reynolds · Filed Under MORE TOP STORIES 

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